
Academic Bias

This tag is associated with 5 posts

Book Review: Transnationalist Obamaite Soft on Terror

Democratic movements in the Middle East have the potential to mobilize a pan-Arab public both on local issues and transnational issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, argues Professor Marc Lynch in his book The Arab Uprising. Focusing largely on the events unfolding in 2011, Professor Lynch hails Al-Jazeera as a singular force pushing for mobilization across nation-state boundaries, while criticizing it as pushing, in the later stages, too much of Qatar’s foreign policy over its alleged reputation for unbiased news reporting. “Al-Jazeera has become a major weapon in Qatar’s arsenal, allowing that tiny state to play an outsized role in shaping the Arab agenda,” he writes. For example, “Al-Jazeera framed the Tunisian protest as a pan-Arab event and the fall of Ben Ali as an unmitigated good.” Continue reading

Another Form of Diversity for UC Boulder

You know that intellectual diversity is lacking when it takes a special appointment to get a conservative into the University of Colorado at Boulder lineup. Oh wait, it’s only for one year. This is apparently newsworthy stuff. Continue reading

Teacher Likens Romney Support to Ku Klux Klan

Conservatives might be surprised to find out that demonstrating an affinity for Republican candidate Mitt Romney is like joining the Ku Klux Klan. At least that’s what a student at Charles Carroll High School in Pennsylvania was told when she wore a Romney-Ryan t-shirt to her geometry class. Continue reading

Professor Gets Time Out for Electioneering

Professor Sharon Sweet from Brevard Community College has been placed on voluntary “unpaid leave of absence” after she distributed a GottaVote.org pledge among her students and told them to vote for Barack Obama, according to allegations. Continue reading

Obama My Classroom

“Democracy: love it or lose it.” That’s how Ohio State University Professor Brian McHale ended his recent email exhorting his fellow teachers to invite Obama campaign volunteers into their classrooms. The purpose was ostensibly to boost voter registration, but secondarily to create volunteers for the Obama campaign. Continue reading
